Is this the best investment going?

With a fixed lease currently at $1668 per calendar month with market reviews and increases of 2.5% through to end of lease period at 31st March 2020. Yes, 2020! The lease is to a Government Department which ensures payment is made on time. Very wise choice for an investor who can sit back receiving good income over the next five years with no vacancy, and no additional letting fees over this time period.

The home, on its own title, consists of three bedrooms, a single bathroom and single garage. The floor boards look great and the kitchen is nice and open. With a great size yard and enclosed behind a wrap around front fence, this home is hassle free. Be quick because long term investments like this are rare as hens teeth.

When thinking of buying, selling, leasing or renting, contact Scoresby's leading agent,
First National Real Estate Stevenson Ferris, specialising in properties within the City of Knox. Contact Adrian Ferris - 0488 777 888


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